Saturday, June 22, 2013

These Things

Have you read or heard this verse a hundred times? Maybe more?
I still need to hear it again. And again.

"Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."

Philippians 4:8 ESV

These lilies? They are lovely. I am grateful to the gal who lived here before us - she planted these, and now we enjoy them. I hope what I plant will grow to be enjoyed by those who live here after us.


  1. Those are indeed lovely lilies that you have there. It's great that you can enjoy the work of the person who was there before you. I like the idea of leaving something behind so that someone else can enjoy. Stopping by from the Sunday Community.

  2. I love this passage! It's the recalibration, the refocusing, the reinvigorating that we so often need. Thanks, Maureen!


    1. Oh, love those three words! recalibration, refocusing, reinvigorating...take one of each daily. Thanks, good inspiration.

  3. I love the lilies. I need to hear this verse every day...

    1. Yup, me too - even many times throughout the day...

  4. Hi Maureen
    Are those your pictures! Beautiful. It takes quite a lot of mind practicing to think of all the beautiful stuff, be becomes natural later on!
    Much love XX

  5. I used to have this verse memorized :( Obviously din't memorize it well enough.
    A friend and I have challenged each other to take every thought captive this week. This verse goes hand in hand with our challenge.

  6. Love the day lilies they are beautiful.

  7. Absolutely gorgeous!!! Made me smile, both inside and out.

    Thank you...
