Friday, February 17, 2012


This is my second try at the Five Minute Friday theme, this week: Delight. The first five minutes turned into a mere list of sights, smells, tastes, sounds and feelings I delight in. Temporal things, based on my senses.


What is delight? The capacity to enjoy, to love, to be thrilled with a gift, a blessing. To recognize the awe, the beauty, the uniqueness of a gift, a moment of time, a feeling deep within.

To delight in a tiny thing that sparks an emotional response - a smile, a sigh, a pause, in the middle of a day's craziness. All through my day.

Delight is an emotion. A verb - to delight. A noun, the delight of the sight filled my soul. An adjective, the delightful smells drifted up the stairs. And I have reverted to lists again. A word that sounds a bit dated, like a Jane Austen character saying, "We had a delightful evening at the ball." My delightful five minutes are done.

I can't believe how fast five minutes goes by.
This scene is something I delighted in this week: pink snow across the valley!


  1. That chiffon sky, that view--total delight!

    I love that word. Don't think one can say it too often. :) That five minutes does go by fast, doesn't it?

  2. delight -- something that gives great pleasure that is what your picture gives, thank you.

  3. I love how your consciousness breaks through 'and there I go' ... sometimes it's hard, I know. But I have delighted in reading your post and seeing your sense of humor.
    Thank you!

  4. amen nice post...thanks for sharing your 5 minutes today..blessings
