Action - makes them happen
Throughout my day, during routine chores, while patience is stretched to the near breaking point (OK, sometimes it does break) as I listen to a son attempt the sounds again and again and again. As I filter out the cat litter box with shallow breaths. As I watch the quiet, crystal water stream from the hose while I water the plants. As I stir the boiling water, the noodles churning. As I handle the plates and bowls and cups from the dishwasher into the cupboard. As we read aloud, cozy in the living room together, laughing and learning. As I read other blogs written by creative hearts. During all I do, I attempt to find inspiration and creativity.
Creativity. To change the perspective from a chore, a bore, to a source of energy. Creativity inspires energy. The chore of cleaning becomes a time to think and plan. The routine tasks are time to grow and develop my list of saying grace.
God created all we have from nothing but His heart of love.
I create, using what I have. All that is around me is fodder for creation. For ideas. Tools, to be used to create beauty from the common of daily life. The everyday common. Not smarter or different or deeper or better or profound or perfect. The stuff of everyday. Ordinary, average, normal. And beautiful.
Drop my drive for perfection and live, just live. Creatively. With heart.
The action that sparks the creativity is from the ideas, from the heart. All the ideas in the world won't amount to anything without action. That is often the point where I falter. To move from concept, an idea, into actual, tangible action. Do something with my ideas.
Take action. The best way for me to deal with insecurity and inadequacy is to take action. Ideas become reality, but only by taking the steps to make them real. Do the next thing. Follow through on ideas. Create. Ideas, inspired by the everyday ordinary of life. Action, living the everyday common. With heart.