Yesterday, I wavered and wondered and debated and wishy-washed, should I, or shouldn't I?
And the questionable issue? Do I wait to plant out my baby seedlings with snow predicted (again!), or do I risk it and put them out? Now, obviously, this is not a life critical problem. But it got me thinking about taking risks, about my attitudes and fears when I come to a risky situation.
- what is the worst that can happen?
- how much would I lose?
- what could I gain?
- why am I afraid?
- how could [this] be worse than [that]?
- how could [this] be better than [that]?
- what could I learn?
- what are my options, how can I think creatively?
- will the consequences require faith (a good thing)?
What other questions would you think of?
Once I analyzed my resistance and the potential consequences, the decision was easy. Plant the seedlings.
The worst that can happen is they will freeze and I will have to replant. Not a huge deal. This is the first time I planted seedlings inside under a florescent light, and I learned a lot - those lessons will stay with me even if the plants don't.
Am I afraid the experiment won't work? If I'm afraid to try anything new, I'll never get out of bed in the morning (which some mornings, might be tempting...)
If I leave them under the florescent light while we are gone for ten days, they will probably dry out, shrivel up, and I'll lose them anyway. If I plant them outside, they might survive and actually be bigger and stronger when we get back.
Judging by the crazy weather this spring, with a snowfall every week in the middle of eighty degree days, the plants will have plenty of warm days - if they survive the freeze tonight. I can take the precautions of mulching them heavily with straw and blanketing them with a cloth covering which will give them a ten degree advantage.
Because we are living in a new climate, I need to stretch my boundaries and knowledge of what plants will do here. Which means trial, and of course, error, and not to be afraid of the error side of learning.
You may laugh at my over-analytic, wishy-washy thinking. Over a bunch of little seedlings. The lesson I am taking away from this, is that, too often, I put off making a decision. I wait for more information. I wonder and wander and debate myself out of making a choice. Instead, I need to ask these questions, form answers and make the choice. Get rid of the baggage of vacillation and move forward, traveling lighter.
I planted all the seedlings. And yes, it is snowing today. I took the risk. I hope they will stay warm and snug under their blanket of straw and fabric cover. When the sun comes out again, they will perk up, stretch toward the light, and grow.